Hieronymus Fox

From Buck Wiki, the ultimate Buck Rogers reference
Hieronymus Fox
Hieronymus Fox
Name {{{name}}}
Age 493 (in 2491 CE)[1]
Homeworld {{{homeworld}}}
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name {{{birthname}}}
Birth Date c. 1976 CE[1]
Callsign {{{callsign}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Cosmic Whiz Kid
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Role President of Genesia
Species {{{species}}}
Rank {{{rank}}}
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Gary Coleman
Additional Information
Hieronymus Fox in the separate continuity
Hieronymus Fox in the primary continuity
[[Image:|200px|Hieronymus Fox]]

I wish you wouldn't call me "Mr. President." Makes me feel like I'm 500 years old.
But you are 500 years old.
493, but who's counting?[1]

 — Fox and his bodyguard, Lt. Dia Cyrton in Buck Rogers in the 25th Century's "Cosmic Whiz Kid"

Hieronymus Fox is a child genius who, like William "Buck" Rogers, was born in the 20th century and thrust into the 25th century via suspended animation.

In 1986 CE, Fox graduates from college. In 1987 CE, prior to the outbreak of World War III and following Rogers' dubiously-fated Ranger 3 mission, Fox receives his PhD in physics at the age of 10. Using his knowledge, he invents a prototype cryo tube that he tests on himself.[2] For the next hundreds of years, he and his tube survives, having been recovered by extraterrestrial forces during Earth's reconstructing period, inevitably ending up in Genesian hands in the 25th century. The Genesians revive Fox, and in return he aids them in solving their many social and scientific issues, resulting in the Genesians making him their President as a gesture of their gratitude.

Sensing an opportunity to acquire large sums of quadrillium from their planet's mines, Roderick Zale arranges his abduction from Genesia (BR25: "Cosmic Whiz Kid").

He is saved from Zale's clutches by both William "Buck" Rogers and Wilma Deering, and finds fellowship with Rogers due to their shared displacement (BR25: "Cosmic Whiz Kid"). Fox arranges a surprise for Rogers to celebrate the end of 2491 CE with a New Year's Eve celebration, much to the confusion and consternation of Dr. Elias Huer and the Earth Defense Directorate (BR25: "A Blast for Buck").


  • Currently owns a condominium with a sauna, hot tub, and tennis court on Genesia. For breakfast he likes scrambled eggs with peppers and onions.
  • Regarding his age disparity: basic mathematics relating to his age of 493 years would result in his birth occurring in 1998 CE, well after the events of World War III in 1987 CE. It is entirely possible that Fox is accounting for the effects of relativity during his various travels (mainly as cargo) over the intervening time.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Without accounting for of time dilation, there is a superficial disparity in his age as he was born in 1976 CE, ergo making him 517 years old in 2491 CE. An erroneous belief is that his "493 years" comment to Dia Cryton is an error, as it would have (the effects of relativity notwithstanding) placed his birth after the events of 1987 CE's World War III—in 1998 CE— in the fall out of the societal upheaval. The resultant decimation of society and technology would have not only prevented Fox from becoming a college graduate, but also his ability (and resources) to build himself a cryo tube. Thus, it is logical to presume that, given Fox's certified understanding of physics, he is accounting for potential relativistic events that would have slowed his aging down considerably.
  2. It is unknown whether this event came after the outbreak of WWIII.