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Latest revision as of 22:27, 25 January 2021

<infobox theme="delta"> <group>

 <title source="name"><default>Spacecraft infobox</default></title></group>
 <image source="image" />

<group> <header>Production information</header> <label>Manufacturer</label> <label>Production
<label>Type</label> <label>Product line</label> <label>Model</label> <label>Class</label> <label>Cost</label> <label>Modified systems</label> <label>Modified by</label> </group> <group> <header>Technical specifications</header> <label>Length</label> <label>Width</label> <label>Height/depth</label> <label>Mass</label> <label>Maximum
<label>Maneuverability rating</label> <label>Sublight
<label>FTL drive</label> <label>FTL Speed</label> <label>Hyperdrive range</label> <label>Power plant</label> <label>Power output</label> <label>Shielding</label> <label>Hull</label> <label>Sensor systems</label> <label>Targeting systems</label> <label>Navigation system</label> <label>Avionics</label> <label>Main computer</label> <label>Countermeasures</label> <label>Armament</label> <label>Complement</label> <label>Docking bays</label> <label>Escape
<label>Crew</label> <label>Minimum crew</label> <label>Passengers</label> <label>Cargo capacity</label> <label>Cargo handling systems</label> <label>Consumables</label> <label>Life support</label> <label>Communication systems</label> <label>Other systems</label> </group> <group> <header>Usage</header> <label>Availability</label> <label>Role(s)</label> <label>Era(s)</label> <label>Commissioned</label> <label>Destroyed</label> <label>Retired</label> <label>Present for battles/events</label> <label>Affiliation</label> <label>Navy</label> <label>Fleet</label> <label>Owner(s)</label> <label>Commander(s)</label> <label>Crewmembers</label> <label>Registration number(s)</label> <label>Ship’s motto</label> <label>Aliases</label> </group> <group> <header>Additional Info</header> <label>Introduced</label> <label>Other appearances</label> <label>Other





Usage instructions

Cut and paste the following code into your article, then put the relevant specifications after the "=" signs. Blank lines will not be displayed

{{Spacecraft infobox
|max accel=
|max atm speed=
|max sublight=
|sublight drive=
|ftl drive=
|ftl speed=
|ftl range=
|shield gen=
|other= }}

Data fields

Description Notes
name Simply list the name of the ship.
image Insert an image at a width of 250 pixels or less.
manufacturer Identify the manufacturer of the vessel, if this template is used for a unique vessel or a vessel made from a known design but by a different company than the original.
type List the primary type classification of the model.
model List the full official name of the vessel's model.
sysmods List (with bullets, if multiple) the systems known to be modified
modifier List (with bullets, if multiple) the people/organizations who have modified the ship.
length Ship length
width Ship width
height Ship height
mass Ship mass
max accel Maximum acceleration in "g"
max atm speed Maximum atmospheric speed
max sublight Sublight speed in space
maneuverability Maneuverability rating
sublight drive Types of sublight and atmospheric drive systems
ftl drive FTL system (or "none" if no FTL)
ftl speed FTL Speed
ftl range Max unrefulled distance of FTL travel
power Types of power systems
poweroutput Power output in watts (this field will rarely be used)
shield gen Type of shield generators (with rating if known)
hull Type of hull materials (with rating if known)
sensor Types of sensor systems
target Types of targeting systems
navigation Navigation computer systems
avionics Avionics/flight control systems
maincomp Main computer
countermeasures ECM and stealth systems
armament List of weaponry equipped
complement Support craft carried aboard
bays Description of shuttlebays
escapesys Details of escape systems
crew Number of crew (with crew breakdown if known)
skeleton Minimum crew required for operation
passengers Number and type of passengers carried
capacity Cargo capacity (be careful, this may overlap with complement and passengers)
consumables Duration of consumable goods stored aboard
lifesupport Life support equipment
communications Communications equipment
othersystems Any systems not listed above
role Duties this ship is known to have performed
era List the eras in which the ship is used here
commission If we know exactly when the ship was launched, put it here.
destroyed If the ship was destroyed, list the date of that event.
retired If the ship was retired/decommissioned, list the date here (this will rarely be used)
battles List on screen battles and events in which the ship is known to have been involved, in chronological order.
affiliation List governments and/or major organizations associated with this ship.
navy The navy to which the ship belongs (if any)
fleet The fleet to which the ship belongs (if any)
owners If ship is privately owned, list the owners here in chronological order
captains List the ship's known commanding officers here in chronological order.
namedcrew List notable crew members in alphabetical order.
registry Full registration eg NCC-1701-E
motto Ship’s motto with atributation
aliases Other names assigned to the ship in chronological order.
intro First film/episode/game in which the ship appears
alsoappears Other appearances
other Other information