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An encyclopedia of the Buck Rogers sagas.

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William "Buck" Rogers and Hawk encounter the mastermind behind the "tests" they've undertaken, an entity styling itself as "The Hand of the Goral," first shown on 26 March 1981 CE (BR25: "The Hand of the Goral").
< 03-25 William "Buck" Rogers and Hawk encounter the mastermind behind the "tests" they've undertaken, an entity styling itself as "The Hand of the Goral," first shown on 26 March 1981 CE (BR25: "The Hand of the Goral"). 03-27 >
Newest Article ♦ launch channel

A launch channel is a launch accelerator channel for smaller craft installed on a larger base or within a capital ship, allowing the ship to launch at rapid speeds over a shorter distance without using its own engines.

Draconia's launch channels are irregular pentagon shaped tubes, with the angular point on the underside of the ship.

A drugged William "Buck" Rogers is wowed by the light show as Ranger 3 launches from Draconia.


  • Ideally, a launch channel allows these smaller craft to launch safely from spaceships, without risk of engine backwash running amok through the craft bays from whence they came.
  • The launch channel doubtless shares inspiration with the launch tubes from the Battlestar Galactica television series.
